If you’re looking for a way to destress and increase your mental health, start a garden – grow marijuana!
Even before your pot is ready to harvest, dry and smoke, you’ll gain plenty of benefits from the growing process.
Many people find comfort and relaxation in taking care of plants. Tending to plants typically has a calming effect and brings certainly and stability.
A quick search of Psychology Today for gardening shows lots of scientific evidence to support this.
Psychology Today: search gardening
Or do a Google search for Pandemic Gardening.
“There are certain, very stabilizing forces in gardening that can ground us when we are feeling shaky, uncertain, terrified really. It’s these predictable outcomes, predictable rhythms of the garden that are very comforting right now… Let’s remember plants are non-judgmental. Plants are ready to respond to anybody, starting today. -Rutgers University professor Joel Flagler”
And once your marijuana has been harvested and dried, you’ll get another reward of calm and relaxation, along with a sense of accomplishment. Priceless in these troubling times.
That, along with the other benefits makes it even more imperative to get started, if you’ve been considering growing your own marijuana.
‘It’s a wonderful time to be a home gardener, because you’re home.’ —Gay Austin, National Garden Clubs president
Have you started or are you ready to start Pandemic Gardening Marijuana? Comment below!