
You’ve earned the legal right to grow marijuana and now you’re ready to get started.  Modern Growing – we’re here to help!

Blog posts and videos to help you grow your own medicinal quality marijuana buds.


Hard-won Marijuana Freedoms under attack in Michigan

Marijuana Freedoms under attack In Michigan, “Big Business” is throwing large amounts of money at the Michigan state government in an attempt to crush “small time” growers – beginning specifically with medical marijuana caregivers. READ MORE: Big marijuana lobbyist testifies hearing on Michigan caregiver law Michigan Cannabis Manufacturers Association (MCMA), an organization of many of …


You’ve earned the rights to legally grow marijuana, but where to start?

You’ve come to the right place.

Our mission is to show you how. And to make sure you succeed with the least amount of time, effort and money spent.

Our mission is to help as many people as possible grow marijuana. Its fueled by the fact that there is way too much info on growing already available.  A large quantity of this info is out of date, unnecessary and not only incorrect but wastes your time and money. We’ve suffered through a lot of experimentation of our own to prove what works, without all the unnecessary cost, time and effort.  

Our mission also grows from the believe that the right to grow belongs to individuals, just as much as big corporate interests.  Many politicians and big corporate interests are already working to take that right away from individuals, in order to boost corporate profits (and lobbyist kickbacks to the politicians).  We believe that the best way to ensure that right can’t be taken away, is to get as many individuals as possible growing their own, as soon as possible.

We’re glad you’re here and hope you will join our cause.  What does our cause ask of you? Just that you grow your own!


  • Do you need advice or encouragement on getting started?
  • Need help choosing the right equipment?
  • Are you in the Southwest Michigan area and just need a clone? Sometimes gardeners get more rooted clones than they can use – we like to pass them on as gifts to others who can use them to get started.

If you would like to get in touch with us, please use this form.  We look forward to hearing from you.
